integrate the butter with the other ingredients, butter your Pie mold, then put your dough into it, bake at 325 F / 160 C for 5 min and let it cool.
Add ingredients to a bowl and stir until combine do not overbeat just fold gently then pour the filling into your baked crust and let it cook at 325 F / 160 C for 25 min then check if the center is runny let it cook for another 5 min.
In a metal bowl add egg whites and sugar, take the bowl into a water bath and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Once it is dissolved, with the help of a hand mixer start beating until you get soft picks, then add the other ingredients and keep whisking until the bowl is cold.
Put the meringue on a piping bag and start putting on to of the pie then broil at 350F /180C for 5 min or until golden.
Having your eggs at room temperature is a must, otherwise, your meringue won't have the right consistency.
Do not overcook your pie filling, as long as it is not runny it will be fine if you want to be precise when the center is at 70C - 21 F the pie is ready.