Hi I am Brandon a Peruvian Cook, I recently arrived to USA , people here is been nice so far, and some of them were asking me about Quinoa, they wanted to know a bit more about it, how its consumed on Peru, so I decided to share this recipe with you. In Peru we consume Quinoa in different ways, In beverages, in Stews, in Breads, in salads even in cocktails, today I will bring you something different is like an Stir-fry Rice, but instead of using rice we will use Quinoa! Sounds great right?, If you are ready to Cook lets start!
Remember ingredients & tools I use would be at the bottom of the page!
Quinoa Stir-Fry | Servings 4
Ingredients :
- 2 Cups of Quinoa
- 4 table spoons of vegetable oil
- 2 Peppers any color
- 1 Onion
- 1 Chili (optional)
- 1 Yellow Squash
- 1 Zucchini
- 1 chicken breast (optional) or 4 boiled eggs
- 1 Cup of Spring onion leaves
- 1 Tablespoon of chopped garlic
- 1 tablespoo of chopped ginger
- Salt to taste
- 1 tablespoon of sugar (any sugar is fine)
- 4 table spoon Soy Sauce
Steps are really simple and actually you can use any veggie that you want or have on your fridge, so keep that in mind.
Directions :
- First thing you need to do is to cook your Quinoa, I suggest you to give it a quick wash and rinse twice or 3 times to remove the Saponin (this makes Quinoa taste bitter) then cook your Quinoa with 3 1/2 Cups of Water for 12 min in a pan in medium/high heat.
- Once its cooked rinse the quinoa and reserve
- If you are using Chicken you should dice the chicken and cook it 1st (then reserve) then in the same pan cook the veggies, this will add extra flavor to them.
- Now you need to prepare your veggies, since we are going to saute the veggies, I suggest you to dice them really small, 2 inch size.
- Once you are ready we are going to Sautee them(except the Spring onion)
- Set your stove to high heat in a large pan or wok, let it get hot 1st then add oil ( 2 tablespoons) then add your veggies and dont touch them let them seal after 2 min (aprox) saute.
- Once they are cooked you add your chicken, Spring onions, Quinoa and keep moving a bit for at least 2 min then add Soy sauce, sugar and some salt if needed actually I didnt have to use much salt since the soy sauce I used was salty so keep that in mind
- In my case I didnt use chicken so I replaced it with some boiled eggs.
- Dont forget to enjoy!
I think this recipe is really tasty and healthy, I think that if you never tried Quinoa before this might be a good start. Guys dont forget to follow me in social media
Some tools I used on this recipe