Hello lovely readers , today I will share with you a delicious and simple recipe that you can prepare at home , this is a side dish , this dish is traditionally served with “Rocoto Relleno” , ingredients are easy to get and I know you will love this recipe.
Some tools/Ingredients I used , will be at the bottom of the post
Pastel de Papa | Servings: 4
Ingredients :
- 6 Potatoes , sliced
- 2 Cups of Evaporated milk
- 4 Eggs
- 1 Tablespoon of anise seeds
- 250 gr of “Queso fresco” , sliced
- 1 Tablespoon of Salt
- 1 Teaspoon of Black Pepper
Steps :
- In a pot add 3 Cups of water , once its boiling add pinch of salt and potatoes let them “cook” for at least 5 min or so (once they are kind of tender , drain and reserve)
- In a bowl add eggs, milk , teaspoon of salt , black pepper, whisk and integrate.
- Butter a tray and put the potatoes in layers on top of them add Queso fresco and add some of the mix between layers.
- Bake in a preheated oven at 350 F / 180 C for 15 to 20 min , once its cooked let it rest for at least 5 min.
That is it guys , great side dish that can be done without effort , try it out you will not regret it.
Tools used on this recipe: