“Arroz Zambito” – Rice Pudding with a Twist

“Arroz Zambito” – Rice Pudding with a Twist

“Leche Asada” Peruvian style custard, Leche Asada Hen Soup – “Caldo de Gallina” Peruvian style Hen soup, simple and delicious! Condesas Condesas are simple homemade cookies, great texture and flavor. “Bistec a lo Pobre” Bistec...
Orange Flan

Orange Flan

“Bistec a lo Pobre” Today I am sharing with you my recipe of Bistec a lo Pobre, one of the most simple dishes in Peru and Latin America. Not really a dish but let's pretend it is, there are variations of the dish however the version I will be sharing with...
“Pastel de Acelga”

“Pastel de Acelga”

Coconut Flan flan de coco is a delicious, Coconut Flan, simple recipe, I love Coconut and flan that is why this dessert is one of my favorites. Lets Talk About our New Name Food has always been an important piece of my life, I felt in love with food as a Kid, I saw my...
“Pie de Limón”

“Pie de Limón”

Lets Talk About our New Name Food has always been an important piece of my life, I felt in love with food as a Kid, I saw my grandmother and mother cook for family reunions, birthdays, Christmas and any celebration you could think of. I saw first hand the power of...
Crocante de Manzana

Crocante de Manzana

Today I am sharing with you this delicious dessert that I know you will love, apple crumble or “Crocante de Manzana” is a really simple dessert full of flavor and its the perfect dessert for any season. Some tools/Ingredients I used , will be at the bottom...