Matasca – Beef Stew

Matasca – Beef Stew

Today’s recipe is “Matasca” a delicious slow cooked beef stew, this dish is prepare in the region of Arequipa in Peru, this dish is also really simple and perfect for cold days. Some tools/Ingredients I used , will be at the bottom of the post...

“Picante de Habas” – Broad Bean Stews

Hello guys , today I will be sharing my recipe of Broad Beans Stew, Broad Beans (or Faba, Fava) are used in a variety of dishes in Peru we have them fresh and dried and both are used in different ways, the dried one more for soups , stews and the fresh one more for...
Lima Beans Stew

Lima Beans Stew

Hello lovely readers today I am today sharing with my recipe of Lima Beans stew, for the ones that do not know Lima Beans are endemic from Peru meaning that is originally from that country, this lovely ingredients can be used a lot of dishes and today we are making a...
“Chaufa de Trigo” | Stir fry Wheat

“Chaufa de Trigo” | Stir fry Wheat

Hello lovely readers today I am sharing with you my recipe of Stir fry wheat , this is similar to a “Arroz Chaufa” a.k.a fried rice , this dish is really simple to prepare and best of is that you can add all the veggies you want to it so it is really...
Vegan”Lomo Saltado”

Vegan”Lomo Saltado”

Coconut Flan flan de coco is a delicious, Coconut Flan, simple recipe, I love Coconut and flan that is why this dessert is one of my favorites. Lets Talk About our New Name Food has always been an important piece of my life, I felt in love with food as a Kid, I saw my...