Tue 12, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes, Soups
"Chupe de Camarones" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Chupe de Camarones.“Chupes” are a type of dish that is served hot, has different kinds of proteins, and has some sort of starch on it (potatoes, corn,...
Tue 10, PM | Peruvian Recipes, Recipes, Soups
Hen Soup - Caldo de Gallina click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I share my recipe for, “Caldo de Gallina”, this dish Hen soup is well known throughout Peru, most restaurants sell them, people think it is good for hangovers, colds, broken...
Wed 08, AM | Beverages & Cocktails, Soups
Hello lovely readers , today I will share with you my version of Sopa a la Criolla , this meaty soup is really simple to prepare and it is perfect for cold days. Some tools/Ingredients I used , will be at the bottom of the post Sopa a la Criolla | Servings: 4...
Fri 08, AM | Recipes, Soups
Hello lovely readers , today I am sharing with you my recipe of “Aguadito de Pollo” , this is a soup that many people eat during winter, perfect for cold days I is really easy to prepare so you can cook this dish on a flash! Some tools/Ingredients I used ,...
Mon 06, PM | Recipes, Soups
“Crema de Zapallo” “Anticuchos” Beef heart skewers, marinated in spices and in a Peruvian pepper paste, served with potatoes/corn with a spicy sauce. “Seco de Mariscos” “Seco de Mariscos”, is a creamy stew with some...