Recipes| “Get Inspired”
Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies
How you doing today my lovely Steemit readers? , Here in Illinois is kinda rainy and cold , we might be on spring but it still feels like winter , since it was kinda cold , I wanted something sweet to eat, I decided to use ingredients I had on hand to make a dessert ,...
Tacu Tacu – Rice & Beans Mix
When I arrived to USA, I struggle a bit, I had no job and just a couple of dollars in my pocket, I wanted to keep cooking peruvian dishes how ever since I was on a budget I had to look for different recipes that is when I realized I could prepare Tacu Tacu, Tacu Tacu...
Chocolate Alfajores!
Dear readers , recently I uploaded my recipe of "Alfajores" , today I will give you something similar but with a twist, Chocolate Alfajores with a Chocolate Ganache filling! Remember that my social media and the tools I use would be at the bottom of the page!...
Cornstarch Alfajores
Cornstarch Alfajores are soft cookies sandwichs with “dulce de leche” on the middle, perfect sweet for your loved ones
Oatmeal Orange Cake
Hey you lovely reader , today I am sharing with you my recipe for my Oatmeal orange cake, this recipe will give you a lovely cake that will be rich on flavor and texture. Remember some of the ingredients & tools I use would be at the bottom of the page! Oatmeal...
Papa Rellena
Today we will be sharing the "Papa Rellena" Peruana recipe. Papa Rellena are stuffed potato doughs, these doughs are traditionally stuffed with ground beef but nowadays it is stuffed with basically everything, it is served with Sarza criolla, a slice of lemon and a...
Peruvian Style Hummus
Hello Lovely Readers , on this opportunity I will share with you my recipe of Hummus, really simple dish that goes great with crackers or bread , actually goes well with everything. Remember some of the ingredients & tools I use would be at the bottom of the page!...
Crema Volteada
Before I got into cooking, my favorite dessert was Crema Volteada, I prepare it every time I could, with time I got into cooking, I started working on different kitchens and tried a wide variety of desserts, funny thing is that although there are a wide variety of...
Sarza Criolla “Peruvian Sauce”
Salsa Criolla or Sarza Criolla, is one of the simplest side dishes we have on Latin America, some of the ingredients are similar, like Onions, Chili or Pepper, Some kind of oil, and something acids like vinegar or lime juice. Today I will share with you how we prepare...
Yucca in huancaina Sauce
Hello Vianda Peruana Friends today I will share with you, a simple recipe Yucca in Huancaina sauce, for you that never tried Yucca before, this is a great way to eat it, since its really easy to cook and it's tasty. I know you will enjoy it. Are you ready to cook? if...