Fri 08, AM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
“Picante de Habas” – Broad Bean Stews Hello guys , today I will be sharing my recipe of Broad Beans Stew, Broad Beans (or Faba, Fava) are used in a variety of dishes in Peru we have them fresh and dried and both are used in different... Maca Brownie...
Fri 07, AM | Main dishes, Recipes
Hello lovely readers today I will share with you my recipe of Quinoa Stew , really easy stew that you can prepare with no effort. Some tools/Ingredients I used , will be at the bottom of the post Quinoa Stew | Servings : 4 Ingredients : Vegetable Oil 3.5 Cups of...
Wed 07, PM | Main dishes, Recipes
Hello lovely readers , today I will share with you my recipe of Puca Picante, this dish is from the region of Ayacucho is a really famous dish on that region and can be found in some restaurants in Lima, The English translation for this dish would be “Spicy...
Fri 07, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
“Seco de Res a la Limeña” – Cilantro Beef Stew “Papa a la Huancaina” Today I will be sharing with you my recipe of Papa a la Huancaina, one of the emblematic dishes of Peru. It is sold in all parts of Peru, and it is... “Locro de...
Thu 07, PM | Main dishes, Recipes
Chicken Stew - Estofado de Pollo click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Chicken Stew – “Estofado de Pollo”, Chicken stew is a staple in many cuisines, in fact, it is a common dish in the Peruvian cuisine too,...
Tue 07, AM | Main dishes, Recipes
Hello, dear readers, today I am sharing with you my recipe of “Sopa Seca” , this dish is usually served with “Carapulcra” , they complement each other , but if you think about it “Sopa Seca” has pasta and “Carapulcra”...