Sopa a la Criolla – Meaty Soup
Hello lovely readers , today I will share with you my version of Sopa a la Criolla , this meaty soup is really simple to
Today I am sharing my recipe of “Pan con Chicharron”
Some tips to get your Pan con Chicharron done properly:
Back to when I was a child I only had Pan con chicharron on weekends not every weekend because it was a heavy meal but I definitely had it from time to time, for me it was that delicious sandwich full of flavor, and textures. my mom used to buy it at a restaurant that was near home because she didn’t know how to make it properly she claimed she tried and didn’t taste the same but the truth is that she woke up late on weekends, and she only made a “quick” breakfast. After some years I learned how to make this dish but I move abroad and I didn’t have the opportunity to prepare it for my mom yet.
Pork belly is so good, it has a good amount of fat, and a lot of flavors, making this Pan con chicharron one of the juiciest sandwiches you will ever have.
Let the pork belly cook in its own fat, let it get crispy, and develop some color.
Sweet potatoes, add a bit of sweetness and balance to the dish.
Ingredients for this sandwich are easy to get, it is a simple sandwich with a lot of flavors.
Pan con Chicharron, this pork belly sandwich it is a great way to have pork belly, try our recipe and let us know below if you like it!
Hello lovely readers , today I will share with you my version of Sopa a la Criolla , this meaty soup is really simple to
Pan con chicharron is a pork belly sandwich, full of textures and flavors!
Dear Readers, I am excited to share this recipe with you, for those whose never try Lima beans before let me introduce you to this
Hi! mi name is Brandon I am a Peruvian Cook and today I will share with you a tradicional dessert of my country ¨Frejol Colado¨,that
Hello guys , today I will be sharing my recipe of Broad Beans Stew, Broad Beans (or Faba, Fava) are used in a variety of