Picante de Pallares
Dear Readers, I am excited to share this recipe with you, for those whose never try Lima beans before let me introduce you to this
Today I am sharing my recipe of Pollo a la Brasa
Pollo a la Brasa is a Peruvian style blackened chicken, rotisserie chicken or just “Peruvian style Roasted chicken”, there are many ways to prepare this dish, personally I have seen so many recipes that require different tools. This recipe is going to be baked, but you can also prepare the chicken on your grill or bbq.
There are many recipes of Pollo a la Brasa out there, all of them are great and here I share with you some tips to get this dish right.
Tips & Tricks to get this recipe right:
– Marinate the chicken overnight will make it tastier and help the flavors infuse into the chicken
– Do not let your chicken marinate for over 12 hours, otherwise, it will start to dry out
– Let the chicken rest after it’s out of the oven/bbq, will make the flavors set.
– Brush your chicken (with the marinade liquid) every 10 or 15 min, in that way it will not dry out
There is a “Pollo a la Brasa day” in Peru, hope that gives you an idea of how important this dish is for Peruvians, you can find “Pollerias” in every corner, which means that we don’t need to make this dish at home, however, living abroad makes you miss this dish, I tried a lot of restaurants and they don’t taste the same!
This dish is all about the chicken, let it marinate overnight to get a soft and juicy chicken.
It’s important to let your chicken marinate before cooking it.
The color and aroma of this chicken make it worth a try.
You can serve it with salad, fries, and your favorite dipping sauces.
Pollo a la Brasa, delicious dish, that you can make at home. try the recipe and let us know what you think.
Dear Readers, I am excited to share this recipe with you, for those whose never try Lima beans before let me introduce you to this
Hello lovely readers , today I am sharing with you my recipe of Peach Pie , It might be true that Pies are not something
Today guys I am making one of my favorite stews , Chicken Cau Cau , this is a really lovely dish, that is really easy
Tallarin Saltado is a quick beef stir fry server with pasta, simple and delicious.
One of the most famous Peruvian dishes, this stir fry is a great example of the Peruvian multicultural cuisine in this case Peruvian – Chinese