Our Visit to Inka Fé

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    • Today, we are doing something different on Chewing happiness, this post is going to be about our visit to a Peruvian business located in Great Neck, Long Island, NY.

    • Inka Fé is a bakery that opened on July of 2023, this bakery offers a wide variety of Peruvian sweets and pastries that are freshly baked, the restaurant has a nice and modern vibe, with some good spots for photos. 

Now before I go further what went down in my visit, I want provide some information: 


– Is this a paid advertisement/promo?

No, I contated the owner and asked for permission to film my visit, they accepted and they were also eager to answer some of my questions, the information presented in this post are my real thoughts about Inka Fé bakery. 

– If you are not getting paid what do Chewing Happiness get from this?

As, I mentioned in a previous post (click here to read it), I want to help other business too, it is rewarding to hear so many stories of different people. there is always a struggle in running a business in general, a restaurant is no different, I think this stories are worth telling, in exchange of them getting some exposure I get a different kind of content for Chewing Happiness. 

– If I run a Peruvian restaurant/bakery how can I contact you?

if you want to partner with Chewing Happiness or explore other business oportunities, you can contact us at Chewinghappiness@gmail.com

Crema Volteada - Inka Fé
    • Now let’s talk about the bakery, Inka Fé is located at 178 Middle Neck Rd, Great Neck, NY 11021

    • this woman-owned business has indoor and outdoor seatings. 

    • I can say it is a family business, at the time of my visit, the restaurant had only few weeks from opening. 

    • what impressed me the most was the customers, most of the people of the area just got in to ask about the food and what kind of sweets the busines sells. During my visit I saw at least 10 different customers in a short period of time curious to know what this bakery was selling.

    • The food looked really apealing, I was able to get inside the kitchen, I saw the hard working team there, I was also able to do a short interview to the owner where I learned that her venture as a business owner started with the Alfajores (see our recipe here), that she referes to “Crack cookies” ‘cuz they are addictive and the caster sugar on top of the Alfajores resembles the “famous powder”. With the help of her mom, she baked these little treats at a young age in order to create an extra income for her family, and since there she hasn’t stop baking, years later that would lead to the opening her bakery, Inka Fé.

a photo of an alfajor

Other sweets that caught my eye were there “Torta Helada” This dessert, in particular, takes time and patience, and I have to admit I lack the last one.

Now the restaurant not only provides sweets, it offers a short but interesting menu also, I want to point out that one thing that is worth telling is that the dishes are “traditional” Peruvian dishes, nothing luxurious, just home made food that you would get back at home in Peru, but with a twist plated in a nice way. It is worth mentioning this, since most restaurants try to include different dishes from other cuisines even tho they sell themselves as Peruvian restaurants. I am not saying there is something wrong with that, however, in my experience, it is better to cater to certain types of customers rather than to please everyone. 

I included one of the photos of the dishes I tried in my visit, Lomo Saltado (check our recipe here), is one of those dishes that is a must in a Peruvian restaurant menu, the meat was juicy and I had access to the kitchen where I contemplated how the Chef was preparing my food, I had to say, I enjoyed my visit, the food was good, the sweets were freshly baked, at lunch time arround (noon) you might find the restaurant packed, a common thing is most Peruvian restaurants. 

I want to finish this post with a short video of the interview, if you visited this restaurant, share your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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Picture of Brandon Castillo

Brandon Castillo

Brandon is a Peruvian Chef & Food Photographer, he loves to cook and...

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