Wed 04, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Caigua Rellena" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe for Caigua Rellena (Stuffed Caigua) Caigua rellena is a dish that brings back memories, this is one of the few dishes my grandmom enjoyed making and eating. Grandma enjoyed...
Sun 11, AM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Anticuchos" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Anticuchos Anticuchos are one of the most famous street foods you can find in Peru, you can find Anticuchos sold in every corner of Lima (capital of Peru), in Lima streets are...
Mon 03, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Seco de Mariscos" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Seco de Mariscos “Seco de Res” is one of my favorite Peruvian dishes, but today we are making a “Seco de Mariscos”, this time we are switching...
Wed 03, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Lasagna de Ají de Gallina" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Lasagna de Ají de Gallina Ají de Gallina is actually a pretty common entree in Peru, it is a creamy chicken/hen stew a bit spicy, served with hard-boiled eggs,...
Sat 02, PM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Pollo a la Brasa" click en la abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Pollo a la BrasaPollo a la Brasa is a Peruvian style blackened chicken, rotisserie chicken or just “Peruvian style Roasted chicken”, there are many ways to...
Fri 01, AM | Main dishes, Peruvian Recipes, Recipes
"Causa Escabechada" click abajo para la receta en Esp Español Today I am sharing my recipe of Causa Escabechada“Causa” is a potato salad that is served mainly as an entree however I decided to combine it with Escabeche to make it a main dish, the...