We Visited Inka Fé – Restaurant Review
This post is a sum up of our visit to Inka Fé, a Peruvian bakery in Great Neck, Long Island

“Caigua Rellena”
Caigua, stuffed with beef, and veggies, served over rice.

Beef heart skewers, marinated in spices and in a Peruvian pepper paste, served with potatoes/corn with a spicy sauce.

“Seco de Mariscos”
“Seco de Mariscos”, is a creamy stew with some seafood, great aroma, and texture in one quick dish.

“Lasagna de Ají de Gallina”
Ají de Gallina (Creamy spicy hen stew) turned into a Lasagna

“Pollo a la Brasa”
Peruvian blackened chicken, rotisserie chicken, one of the most iconic Peruvian dishes.

“Causa Escabechada”
Causa Escabechada, Spicy Sour Potato dough, served with Fish Escabeche on top

“Chupe de Camarones”
Chupe de Camarones, Peruvian style shrimp soup, has a thick texture, has some sweet, spicy, flavors.

“Kam Lu Wantan”
Chifa dish, saute meats and veggies served with a sweet-sour tamarind sauce and wontons.

“Pan con Chicharron”
Pan con chicharron is a pork belly sandwich, full of textures and flavors!
“Arroz Zambito” – Rice Pudding with a Twist
Today I am sharing a recipe of Arroz Zambito, a dessert with a great aroma, flavor, and color.
My mother’s side grandfather was a complicated man, one post won’t be enough to talk about him. He used to complain about most things in life, except for food, he loved food. He did not cook at all (men of his generation did not cook at all). I remember when I was a kid I asked him about his favorite dessert, he told me his fav. was “Arroz Zambito”. I remember that his eyes shined and he started describing why that dessert was his favorite. He even promised me one day he will prepare it. Years passed and a lot of things passed and we forgot about that promise, I never had to try that dessert until one day, during a cooking class one of the Chefs prepared this singular dessert, it was my first time trying it and I instantly loved it, it was like Rice Pudding but it was completely different at the same time. That week I tried to prepare it as many times as I possibly could.
I was determined to make the greatest Arroz Zambito for my Grandfather, he was kind of sick at that moment but I knew what could make him feel better.
He tried it and liked it, he was surprised that I made that dessert. Happily, a few weeks later he got better and life continued.
My Grandfather passed away many years ago but when I prepare this dessert, I always think about him.
Lets now talk about this dish, “Arroz Zambito” is similar to Rice Pudding with it has a little twist that will change the color and flavor of this dessert.
What is the meaning of Zambito?
Where does the name come from?
“Zambito” refers to the word “Zambo”, a term that was used during the colonial era to refer to people who have African ascendance. Zambito is a colloquial term that is used mostly in the capital to refer to people with a dark skin tone. the diminutive is added to it to somehow make it less “derogatory”, this dessert is named for its distinctive color.

"Arroz Zambito"
- 2 cups of White Rice
- 250 gr of Raw Sugar Cane Pilonsillo, Panela or Chancaca
- 3 cups Evaporated Milk
- 3 Cloves
- 1 Star Anise
- 3 Cinnamon Stick
- 3/4 cup Raisins
- 1 tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
- 3/4 cup of Shredded coconut
- 1 teaspoon of Salt
- 1 Orange Peel
- 2 tbsp Unstalted butter optional
- In a pot add rice, cloves, the cinnamon stick, 1.5 cups of water (or more depending on the kind of rice you are using) and let it cook for 17 min then let it rest for 5 with a lid on.
- While your rice is cooking dissolve the brown sugar cane in a pot at medium heat (if you using granulated raw sugar skip this step)
- Once your rice is cooked, remove cinnamon and cloves then add milk, vanilla, salt, raisins, brown sugar cane and let the ingredients integrate about 5 min at low/medium heat.
- Add some coconut, stir and its good to go!
- Dissolve the Panela/Piloncillo in water, if using granulated omit this point.
- If you want a rich texture, add 2 tbsp of unsalted butter
- It might "dry out" while it is cold and if you add more milk on it the flavor won't be the same be sure to let it get to room temperature then eat it asap.
- Rinsing the rice for 5 - 7 min or until the water that comes out is clear is a great way to remove some of the starch of the rice, in that way we will end with a dessert that won't dry out that fast.

use your favorite kind of rice, this dessert will start just like an Arroz con Leche but I assure you it does not taste the same!

What gives live to this dessert is the raw cane sugar, without it, it would not be Arroz Zambito.

the combination of coconut, vanilla and raw sugar cane flavors, spices are just amazing, it’s a dessert full of flavor.

My Abuelito loved this dessert, I believe that where ever he is right now he might be eating a lot of “Arroz Zambito”
What are your thoughts, about this dessert? comment below