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We Visited Inka Fé – Restaurant Review
This post is a sum up of our visit to Inka Fé, a Peruvian bakery in Great Neck, Long Island

“Caigua Rellena”
Caigua, stuffed with beef, and veggies, served over rice.

Beef heart skewers, marinated in spices and in a Peruvian pepper paste, served with potatoes/corn with a spicy sauce.

“Seco de Mariscos”
“Seco de Mariscos”, is a creamy stew with some seafood, great aroma, and texture in one quick dish.

“Lasagna de Ají de Gallina”
Ají de Gallina (Creamy spicy hen stew) turned into a Lasagna

“Pollo a la Brasa”
Peruvian blackened chicken, rotisserie chicken, one of the most iconic Peruvian dishes.

“Causa Escabechada”
Causa Escabechada, Spicy Sour Potato dough, served with Fish Escabeche on top
Vegan Quinoa Pudding
A Vegan version of Rice Pudding with a twist, this time staring Quinoa. This is dessert is simply delicious and can be done in a flash.

Quinoa is one of my favorite ingredients, it is so versatile, you can use it on smoothies, desserts, stews, salads, you name it.
Quinoa Con Leche de Coco
- 200 gr Quinoa
- 400 gr Leche de Coco
- 200 gr Crema de Coco
- 1 und Anis Estrella
- 4 Clavos de Olor
- 2 Rama de Calena
- 2 tbsp Cascara de Narajna
- 1/2 Cup Azucar Blanca
- 2 Cup Agua
- 1/2 Cup Pasas
- 1/4 Cup Ron
- 1/4 Cup Coco Rallado
- Cocine la quinua con las 2 tazas de agua durante 12 minutos o hasta que esté completamente cocida.
- Una vez cocida, cuele la quinua (si es necesario), luego agregue todos los demás ingredientes (excepto las pasas), deje que se cocine a fuego lento ,durante al menos 8 minutos (revuelva constantemente)
- Apague el fuego y agregue las pasas.

This dessert can be done in short amount of time and the ingredients used are really simple to get.
Once Quinoa is cooked just add all the other ingredients, let the flavors infuse and voila! you got an awesome dessert, best of all is that is dairy-free.

Sometimes we are so used to dairy flavors that we forget that we have so much out there, Coconut Vegan Quinoa Pudding is a great alternative for those who want to try something different, healthy and tasty!